Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Jake, Bikes, and the White Stripes

One thing I enjoy about photographing Portland high school senior portraits is the variety. Every student is different, and I aim to create portraits that are unique to them. We chat quite a bit while photographing, and I'm always looking for particular qualities in the senior that I can portray in my images.

Jake, I discovered, loves photography, especially alternative forms of photography such as the Holga and cross-processing. So in addition to a lot of clean and pretty portraits, I also created quite a few that were a little more edgy. And we included his limited edition, red and white White Stripes JACK Holga in a few as well.

As a true Portlander, Jake's also into single speed bikes, and has a pretty sweet LeMond...

And since he loves the city, we decided to shoot in the Pearl District. Art, urban, bikes. It all fit in the Pearl, and we both like the images quite well.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo's Fritz. You have an amazing talent for taken the ordinary and making it unique.
